Our services

Phonecom provides the majority of quantitative research solutions, wholly or partly using the phone as a tool of investigation (CATI). The administration of the questionnaire can also be conducted using alternative methods such as face-to-face (CAPI), the online questionnaire (CAWI) or postal method (questionnaire sent by post).

The proposed studies are essentially:

  • Opinion poll;
  • Market research;
  • Barometer;
  • Satisfaction survey;
  • Recall test
  • « Mystery calls ».

Phonecom is able to perform the task from A to Z, from design methodology to analyzing results and preparing the report, through sampling, questionnaire, collection, compilation, consistency checks, etc …

  • Avenue du Roi 73
    B 1060 Brussels

  • +32 2 542 11 00
    or 0800 20 111